Rabu, 23 November 2011

Pengaruh Supervisi Kepala Sekolah, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru

Muhammad Lud Ika Graha, 2010, Effect of Supervision Principal, Leadership Style and Motivation to of teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala District.
 This study aims to analyze and test the truth of the hypothesis about the influence of the principal supervision, leadership style and work motivation of teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers District Jejangkit Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan, either partially or simultaneously.
Research methods by taking a sample survey method by using census or random sampling a total of 30 respondents teachers smp mandastana Sub Jejangkit Barito Kuala District.. Analyze data using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. Analysis of data is done after normal and met the requirements of the classical assumption test.
The hypothesis is: 1).There are the influence of supervision on the school's head teacher of teacher’s performance Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala Regency. 2). There are the influence of teacher leadership style of teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala District. 3). There are the influence of teachers' work motivation of teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala Regency. 4). There was a significant effect simultaneously between the principal supervision, leadership style, work motivation of teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala Regency. 5). Supervision of school principals have a dominant effect compared with leadership style and work motivation of teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala District.
The results showed that the independent variables include the supervision of principals, leadership style and motivation to exercise significant influence with the teacher’s performance in Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Jejangkit Barito Kuala Regency, either partially (t test) or simultaneously (test f).
Thus the decision taken by the test is received Hi, or it can be concluded Principal Supervision variable (X1) has a dominant influence on t teacher’s performance Junior High School Mandastana Teachers in District  Teacher Jejangkit Barito Kuala District.

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